Bottled Water
Have you ever
wondered why nothing grows in a commercially-sold bottle of water
that is left for months on a shelf? Water normally breeds life. If
you have ever brought a jar of water home from a river or a lake
(with or without a tadpole in it), you have likely noticed that green
algae and other forms of life grow in the water.
Bottled spring water is high in HCO3 (hydrogen carbonate ozone), which is toxic to both algae and humans alike. Humans tolerate it simply because we are bigger animals – a higher quantity of poison is necessary to kill us. If the water is not naturally high in this ingredient, the bottlers typically add carbon dioxide (CO2) or Ozone (O3), which are equally toxic when ingested.
Chlorinated tap water is safer to drink. Chlorine is made from salt (sodium-chloride). Chloride is an essential nutrient. In the quantities used to treat drinking water, the chlorine is safe and may even be beneficial because chloride is necessary for proper digestion. I know – you complain that chlorinated tap water does not taste good – I have learned to like the flavour for the sake of my health.
Bottled spring water is high in HCO3 (hydrogen carbonate ozone), which is toxic to both algae and humans alike. Humans tolerate it simply because we are bigger animals – a higher quantity of poison is necessary to kill us. If the water is not naturally high in this ingredient, the bottlers typically add carbon dioxide (CO2) or Ozone (O3), which are equally toxic when ingested.
Chlorinated tap water is safer to drink. Chlorine is made from salt (sodium-chloride). Chloride is an essential nutrient. In the quantities used to treat drinking water, the chlorine is safe and may even be beneficial because chloride is necessary for proper digestion. I know – you complain that chlorinated tap water does not taste good – I have learned to like the flavour for the sake of my health.